Tulsi Lemon Green Tea

The Favourite Shelf

Hot & Cold Brew

6 In Stock 6

Regular price Rs. 265.00

A warming blend of green tea leaves and holy basil leaves with dried lemon for personal healing moments.


Ingredients- dried tulsi, lemon peels and green tea leaves


Water temperature: 70-80º Celsius

Dosage: 4 grams of tea


  • Amount of water: 180-200 ml
  • Steeping time: 3- 5 minutes

The tea is frequently brewed hot, but also makes an excellent iced tea.

 Tulsi Lemon Green Tea is a delicious green tea blend consisting of pure Tulsi leaves in the form of Krishna Tulsi variety, from farmlands in Punjab and Green tea leaves from Assam. tulsi leaves, a medicinal herb, is a health restoration in all seasons and lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and possess immense health benefits ranging from its antibacterial and antiviral properties to its immune boosting abilities. It acts as a detoxifying agent and helps to maintain digestive health. 

Tulsi has an abundance of antioxidants, which eliminates damaging free radicals in the body. Tulsi green tea is antiseptic. It helps with intestinal parasites, vomiting and menstrual cramps, also benefits liver health. Green tea lowers cholesterol, increases immunity and prevents inflammatory skin diseases.

Tulsi lemon green tea lowers blood pressure. Drinking Tulsi lemon green tea for 4-6 weeks helps regulate blood pressure. It also cuts down on bad cholesterol by regulating cortisol levels, reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other related diseases. The rejuvenating citrusy notes blend in perfection with the sweet notes of holy basil.