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Nutriorg Seabuckthorn Juice 500ml
Nutriorg Seabuckthorn Juice is prepared from Himalayan Berries which are a rich source of Omega 3, 6, 9 and 7. It is a rich source of vitamin C as well. It is an excellent antioxidant and helps to boost immunity.
• Nutriorg Seabuckthorn (Himalayan Berry) Juice is extracted from 100% fresh fruits no concentrated.
• It is an excellent antioxidant and helps boost immunity. It is beneficial for hair, skin as well as digestion.
• Sea Buckthorn is known to boost immunity due to its high contents of Vitamin C.
• Improvement in bowel movement frequency, incomplete evacuation, and other symptoms associated with constipation.
How to use
•Mix 15-20 ml of Nutriorg Seabuckton Juice in 200 ml of lukewarm water in a non-metallic pot and consume empty stomach twice a day preferably morning and evening.
Ingredients/Materials:Himalayan Berries
Shelf Life (in months from date of manufacturing): 18 months from the date of manufacture