Organic Sunflower Oil 500ml Glass Bottle


Edible Oils & Vinegar

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Regular price Rs. 255.00


  • It is low in saturated fat and high in Vitamin E and phtyochemicals like choline and phenolic acid that is beneficial for heart health.
  • It has been derived that sunflower oil is most beneficial to help cure rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Vitamin B content in the oil promotes a healthy nervous system and aids in digestion while providing energy to the body.
  • The oil contains proteins which are helpful in building and repairing tissues and production of hormones and enzymes.
  • It is rich in polyunsaturated fat which maintains the ideal LDL level which helps lower the cholesterol level in the body.


Sunflower oil has been used for cooking since time immemorial; it is non-volatile oil that is extracted from sunflower seeds. Its composition makes it one of the healthiest oils for not only consumption purposes but also for application on the hair and skin. The main component of sunflower oil is linoleic oil along with oleic oil and palmitic acid and also a sizeable amount of Vitamin A, D & E. The pale yellow color oil has a mild taste. Nutriorg brings to you authentic certified organic sunflower oil which is hygienically extracted from organically grown and cultivated sunflower. Being extremely light with high contents of polyunsaturated fat, it is often preferred over other oils for cooking purposes. It has added advantages for your health since it is multi faceted oil and is organically grown.

Ingredients/Materials: Sunflower Seeds
Shelf Life (in months from date of manufacturing): 12 months from the date of manufacture